The takeaway message is to get your dose of the vaccine as and when you can and prepare yourself for possible side-effects to avoid symptoms from getting the worst of you. While some vaccines are said to deliver more side-effects ( or for someone with a higher sensitivity), there remain a few precautionary steps every vaccinated beneficiary must take to feel okay, and let the vaccine do its job well:
-Hydrate yourself and have a proper meal before getting your vaccine. Do not get the vaccine empty stomach.
-Try and have lesser of processed food, which could be bad for your immune and gut health.
-Post getting the jab, have plenty of replenishing fluids and energizing foods.
-Get a good night’s sleep before you go, and manage stress levels
-Try and space out your schedule so that you do not feel too stressed or tired.
-If you feel sick or suspect COVID-19 like symptoms, consider rescheduling
-Do not take painkillers unneccessarily, and make use of home remedies to manage the milder side-effects
-Most importantly, relax, and prep yourself well before you get the vaccine to avoid unpleasant reactions, especially if you suffer from the fear of needles.